

APHA applauds historic EPA asbestos rule

Date: 惭补谤听18听2024

Contact: Media Relations

The 探花app today praised the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for releasing a final rule banning the import and use of chrysotile asbestos. Asbestos, a known carcinogen, is responsible for more than 40,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.

Today’s rule is based on clear scientific evidence that shows exposure to asbestos poses a grave risk to health and there is no safe use of asbestos. APHA has long called on the federal government to ban the import, manufacture, process or distribution of commercial asbestos and today’s rule is a major step toward achieving a ban on all forms of asbestos. We are also pleased that the EPA will undertake a thorough evaluation of other types of the asbestos, and we look forward to working with the agency and Congress to protect the public’s health by fully banning all types of asbestos in the U.S.


The 探花app champions optimal, equitable health and well-being for all. With our broad-based member community and 150-year perspective, we influence federal policy to improve the public’s health. Learn more at .