

Communicable Disease

Featured: COVID-19 Resources

Preventing and controlling the spread of disease is at the heart of much public health work. From the coronavirus-cased COVID-19 to influenza, Lyme disease, malaria and Ebola, outbreaks of infectious diseases can have an extraordinary impact on human health.

From The Nation's Health:

Preventionwoman washing her hands

There are many ways to prevent the spread of disease. Vaccinations have helped eliminate or greatly reduced disease threats. Proper , especially before and after handling food and using the toilet, helps keep germs at bay.

Other important ways to slow or stop disease transmission are by ensuring the food we eat and water we drink is safe, avoiding people who are sick and practicing safe sex.

About communicable diseases

Some diseases spread from one person to another while others can spread from animal to person. Some are spread through the air, by touch or through bodily fluids. Some diseases may produce mild symptoms; others can be lethal. As APHA member Jonathan Fielding, professor of public health and pediatrics at UCLA, writes in this op-ed, "."

More than 200 infectious diseases are listed in APHA’s Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. Some include:


More communicable disease resources

A must-have resource!

Control of Communicable Diseases Manual book cover

Be Prepared