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Professional Development

APHA strengthens the public health profession.

Our professional development activities include Public Health CareerMart, where job seekers and hiring employers come together.

We offer continuing education, mentoring, internships and fellowships and many other opportunities for you to learn more about public health and hone your skills.

Find out how APHA can help you.

MEMBER PERKAPHA members get a discount of up to 30 percent on job listings with Public Health CareerMart. Members also have access to discounted continuing education opportunities like APHA Live. They also enjoy discounts on , including the and .

Find out more by contacting our Membership Department via email or by calling 202-777-2400. Or join APHA today!


Check out the American Journal of Public Health article "" by former CDC Director Thomas Frieden. (It includes such great tips as "Never surprise your boss" and "Follow core principles.")